Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hotel Fun

After dinner we went back to the hotel and had even more fun.

Having a serious discussion about something important I'm sure

Hudson, Braxton, Corbin and Kyler

The kids jumping on the bed
Now it is flip time on the bed

My little cutie

Brotherly love!!

Coco Key

For Christmas Tami got all of the kids gift cards for Coco Key that we cashed in this weekend.  The kids were so excited!

Reading up on the fun activities at Coco Key

Looks like fun!

When we got to the hotel Hudson had to try to order some room service

The kids playing basketball

Hudson was excited when Darby got to the pool....he ran over and sat on the chair and said "I lap" and screamed until we let him hold her.  Darby didn't care......she is always smiling!!

Ayla and Brax

Hudson's favorite thing to play with were the mini water sprinklers

Addison and his mommy Alicia

Double trouble and Tami

After swimming we went to Damons.....Coop was a little tired

The boy side

Hmmmmm......I wonder what else she gives him when I'm not around!

Ayla and Corbin....this was Corbin's favorite face this weekend!

New Camera!

My old camera has been acting up for a while now and last week it completed died.  Nate got me this camera for my first Mother's Day and I LOVED IT!!  I have not been able to find a camera that I have liked as much so I have been putting off getting a new one.  It has captured a lot of wonderful memories!

It has seen it's better days!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Remembering A Great Friend

My heart is heavy today as I am remembering a wonderful friend.  Diane passed away today from her courageous battle with cancer.  It seems like yesterday we were meeting on the weekends creating calendars, projects and experiments.  She was an amazing teacher that had so much passion for kids.  I am blessed to have known her and to have many great memories. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More Sledding

We went down to J.D. and Lindsays to hang out and go sled riding with Rilee.  We had so much fun on their big hill!

Hudson, Braxton and Rilee posing for the camera
J.D. trying to hide from Lindsay so he can throw a snowball at her
Sled race
Rilee's first time going down the sled...I think she liked it!
Now Lindsays turn
Hudson talking about something.....probably Danel and eating lunch!
Aren't they adorable?!
Our snowman :)

New Year's Eve Fun

The Garber family came over for our annual hang out in our jammies New Year's Eve celebration.  It was a usual and the kids were on their best behaviors.  Hudson went to sleep around 8:30 so he missed out on most of the fun.

We started off with a little Just Dance
Bug is going to have some moves!
Then we made an obstacle course
Ty and Nate were in charge of shooting whoever was going through the obstacle course......
or Garb!

Now it was cookie making time!
Proud bakers
Those might have been the best cookies I have ever tasted!
New Year's Cheers
Maddie shooting the buck


Braxton's turn to pop that balloon. 
We found an idea on pinterest to blow up belows and every hour pop one and do the activity inside. 
The last hour was to make some "Quiet Noise" since Hudson was sleeping! :) 
Midnight kiss :)



The boys are very sad that it is winter and they don't get to talk to our neighbor Phil everyday. They still run to the window when they hear him outside and pound on them until he waves. 

Hudson spotted him first and started yelling "Il"
Brax thought knocking on the window would get his attention best. 

They are really going to miss Phil and Betty if we ever move!!

Cookie Time

The boys love to bake cookies!!!

Icing his face
Brax takes his baking very seriously!
Do I have something on my hand??
Dumping a million sprinkles on his cookie.....and about 2 million on the floor :)
Braxton's finished product