Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday

This year Nate and I decided to leave at midnight to go Christmas shopping.  The line at Kohl's was ridiculous...some people had to wait 3 hours or more.  So Nate decided to open a Kohl's charge so after we took our time shopping we only had to wait in line for 15 minutes!!  We got almost all of our shopping done by 6 AM and then went home to sleep.  When we woke up we wrapped all the presents.  Another successful year shopping!!!

Some of our gifts ready for the tree!  :)

Christmas Tree Time!

Braxton was super excited to help us put up the Christmas decorations this year.  He helped carry a lot of the decorations from upstairs and remembered where most of our decorations go!!  Hudson was asleep for most of this adventure...thank goodness!

So proud to be able to help :)

My aunt got us this a couple years ago and it is Braxton's favorite thing to play with during the holidays....we are trying to figure out how to make it only play one song instead of 15!!!

I asked Braxton to put the bulbs in this vase....I guess I didn't give good enough directions to my 4 year old

We always listen to Mariah Carey's Christmas music when decorating the house.  Brax was lovin it and he had to get his microphone out to join in!

Hudson finally woke up to watch us decorate the tree

This spot of the tree was a favorite of Braxton's....we looked at one point he had 5 different ornaments in this same place.  Nate kept telling him to put it in a different spot and he would put that ornament in another area but the next ornament he grabbed went right back to his favorite spot!

Hudson checking out the tree...I have a feeling this is going to be a fun few weeks with all of these decorations!

Helping Mommy hang an ornament

Good job Brax!!

I love our tree!!! :)

Thanksgiving with the Shipleys

For lunch we traveled to Nathan's grandparents to start our celebration. 

Hudson's first Thanksgiving plate!

He loved the corn :)

Braxton is carb loading

Aunt Kasey and Lyla


The babies first Thanksgiving!

I think she's sad Thanksgiving is over!

After going to the Shipley's we traveled to my grandma and grandpa's.......I think I was too full to take pictures!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Family Tradition

Nate's grandpa is a big rabbit hunter and a lot of the guys go hunting on Thanksgiving morning...including my dad and brother.  This year Nate told Braxton he could go hunting for his very first time with the guys.  He was soooo excited!!!    As soon as they got out of the truck and started walking Nate asked Brax if he was having fun and he said "Yeah this is awesome!"  after about 45 minutes he asked him again and Brax said "It's ok."  Then about an hour and a half Braxton's reply was "I don't like this very much".  He was a trooper though and walked at least a couple miles with the guys and he enjoyed watching the rabbit dogs.  It ended up being only 34 degrees and they didn't see any rabbits....bummer.  Hopefully his next trip they will actually see some rabbits!

*Pictures to come soon!

Look What I Can Do

Hudson thinks he is hot stuff now that he can pull himself up and stand up.  That is until he looses his balances and smacks his face on something.  He decided to try out his new skills on the back door.  As you can see he almost fell and would not move when he finally caught himself!

He looks like he is hanging on for dear life!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Long Ago

Long ago, 4 years to be exact, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy.  I could have never imagined how much our lives would change from that point on.  I will never forget Nathan waking up at 6 AM so excited.  He had all the bags packed, was showered and tried to wake me up for about 4 hours.  He said it felt like Christmas morning and he couldn't sleep.

 I can remember so many things about that day, the beautiful weather, the wierd  feeling of not getting up and going to work, my family flocking to the hospital and overtaking the tiny room we were in.  The best memory was the first time I got to see my little boy.  He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen!  I remember his blue eyes looking at me so calm and trusting like he knew exactly who I was and how I would always protect him. 

It is hard to believe that we would have so many stories and memories in just 4 short years.  His first word Bob (this is what he called Bentlee our dog), his first steps, his first set of stitches, his passing out spells.  Watching him grow into an irrisistable little boy that loves to entertain people and has so much personality.

Being a parent is such an amazing gift.  I look forward to every exciting adventure that I will take with him and treasure each day.  Everyone says just wait till you have grandkids but I have no idea how it could be any better than being a Mommy! 

Happy Birthday Braxton Wayne!!!  I love you to the moon and back :)

                        Here are some of my favorite memories we have made so far!
November 20, 2007
3:36 PM
6 lbs 10 oz
19 inches

5 Generations are here together. This picture was taken a couple of weeks before my great grandmother passed away. 

Braxton and his Bentlee

I loved snuggling with Brax

1st Halloween

He looks rotten already!

1st beach trip

My favorite picture of Braxton of all time!!!

1st set of stitches

1st time fishing

Potty glad it only took 2 days!!

My football boy

Best big brother in the world!!!

Birthday Blitz

Since today is Braxton's actual birthday we let him chose where we ate after church.  Blitz was the winner!  We had some yummy pizza and played some games.  The owners daughter goes to Daddy's school so she came out to talk to us.  When she found out it was Braxton's birthday she brought him 3 balloons!!! 

His balloons....not sure why all my pictures uploaded backwards.....oh well!

After winning 25 tickets he got some new vampire teeth and a bag of candy

Brax whoopin on daddy at air hockey! 

Hudson loved this game!!!!!  He kept squealing and laughing :)

Zanesville Safari.....I mean Big Game Hunter

Me and my boys

Mommy and Hudderbug

Daddy and his big boy....with pizza in his mouth

Daddy and Bug