Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Flu Has Found Us :(

My boys are officially sick! We were up all night last night with both of them and it was not fun.  Braxton started off getting sick at Tami's and then got sick many times by midnight.  Hudson was fine until about 10:00 and woke up and didn't stop until about 2:30 in the morning.  I took the day off to stay home and snuggle with my boys.  Hudson has been sleeping for over 4 hours and Brax just feel asleep even though he has only gotten off of the couch once today.  Hopefully everyone will be feeling better tonight so we can go out and enjoy this 60 degree weather.

He can still smile even if he's sick

Today Hudson woke up laughing and has eaten everything in sight.
He is not acting sick at all today....thank goodness!

Mamaw and Papaw Clark stopped by and brought us some lunch.  Papaw got Braxton a new pair of sunglasses that he loves!  He finally ate some noodles and told me they made him feel better. 
Thanks Mamaw and Papaw Clark for coming up and bringing us lunch :)

My Little Princess

Sunday we went to visit Rilee and break in all of her new birthday toys.  They were all super fun to play with!

He won't keep his hat on but he will wear this!!

Playing with Rilee's new purse....after that he is going to have a tea party

He loved Rilee's babies


Braxton and Rilee Jayde

Mamaw & Papaw's House

Saturday we went to Mamaw and Papaw's house to visit Jacob and Elaina who were in from out of town. Lyla came over in the afternoon too so we had all the cousins in one house. Our day was spent eating pancakes, playing, bathing and napping.....napping yeah right!!!  We had a lot of fun visiting and can't wait to go on our trip to see Jacob and Elaina in a couple of weeks!

Being silly

Whac a mole

Cutie Jake

Elaina was passing out kisses all day

Hudson loved the creepy Barbie Mamaw has.  Aunt Michele won't even sleep in the same room with it!

Mamaw trying to get Hudson to pose for the camera with his new shades

Bath time

Attempt at naptime....don't they look so sleepy?!?!

The boys were so excited to see Daddy...he had just gotten home from his 3 day football conference

This is the face Lyla makes when someone passes her off to Papaw...Brax used to do this same thing!
Now they are buds though...don't worry Papaw she will grow out of it!

Lyla loves Braxton!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Party Time Part 2

Here are some more pics from Rilee's birthday party!

Brax and Luke play against each other in flag football.
They were practicing their moves....too cute :)

Birthday kisses

Rilee was a trooper....she is normally an early bird but tonight she was still going strong at 8:30!

Hmmmm.....they are starting to look alike!

Brax figured out you could go behind the counter and decided he would be a McDonald's worker

He must be the manager on an important business call!

Party Time Part 1!!

We celebrated Rilee's birthday with friends and family at The Barracks!  She was adorable in her little outfit. :)

Playing with Papaw in the jump house

Hudson's turn

My handsome boy will always stop and pose for the camera!

I love my sister in law!!!! 
She is so fun :)

Ciera and Hudson

My little cousin Payton

Cake time....she loved having her own little cake :)

Are all these presents for me Mommy????

Yes our get togethers always have to have some type of competition

I had to show the boys how to shoot.......yes I beat all of them in a game of knockout!!!

How old are you Rilee??????

Hudson wondering how he can get that Bink!

Rilee's Special Present

I wanted to do something extra special for Rilee for her birthday this year.  I hired my brother to sneak and get me some special keepsakes of Rilee's to make her present.

Her onsie, we thought, was what she came home from the hospital in.  It wasn't...oops!
One of her famous hats with the flower
And a picture of her from the hospital.

Thanks for your help J.D.!!

Fun with My Friend Sarah!

I got a new co-worker this year that I have a blast with!  Her name is Sarah and we definitely enjoy our jobs and joking with each other.  We decided since our husbands were out of town we would go to Hobby Lobby and then get Pizza Cottage and make a night of it.  Sarah's son Max is almost 4 and her daughter Lucy was born just a few weeks after Hudson! 

They were looking at us like we were crazy!!!

Braxton and Max instantly bonded....I see many playdates in our future!!
They were trying on the bead necklaces...I think this was after we were in the feather boa isle and Brax decided to get a whole handful and put them on the ground.  HAHA!!

Isn't she a cutie!

I am so blessed to have so many wonderful co-workers.
Hopefully Sarah and I can work together until we retire!!!