Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, January 8, 2012


The Davis family invited us and the Ryan family to go to Monster Jam with them to watch their uncle Dan Patrick race!  It was AWESOME!!!  Our seats were 7 rows from the front and we could see all the action.  The first competition was the wheelie competition.  The trucks would drive up to a pile of cars and stop....then take off trying to get their tires lined up vertically!  I got to sit by Adam, Addison and Ayla's daddy and he was hooting and hollering the entire funny!  One person that was not holloring at the end of this competition was Braxton....he was furious that Tazmanian Devil (a girl driver) won!  His face was hilarious!!!

Then came round 1 of 4 wheeler racing...also a little scary then it was time for the trucks to race each other. Adam's uncle Dan actually builds most of the cars including his own named Samson.  Samson made it to the finals of this competition against Grave Digger but broke his axle so had to let Superman race for him.  He definitely would have won though because he was smoking everyone! 

Then it was time for round 2 of 4 wheelers and then the Sphere of Fear.  The Sphere of Fear was a big metal cage ball that a family (grandpa, daughter and 13 year old grandson) drove dirt bikes in.  This was so unbelievable! 

Freestyle was the last competition of the event and probably our favorite.  Each driver had 1 minute to drive around and "show off".  There were two trucks that wrecked, which Alicia said she had never seen any of them wreck before.  After the competition we went acrossed the street to Ted's to eat dinner then headed home for the night.  We had a wonderful day and are looking forward to many more Monster Jam trips and going to Circleville to Mr. Patrick's shop to see the Samson up close.  Thanks for an awesome day Davis family!!! :)

Braxton, Addison, Ayla and Corbin

Before the competition can see the Sphere of Fear in front of us

Daddy and Brax

Batman was one of B's favorite cars.
 Uncle Dan built Batman also!

This is Tazmanian Devil (one of the two girls).  She is actually a Sprint Cup driver but the original driver of this car got hurt so she was flown in to take his place.  She had never raced Monster Trucks before! 

The Ryan's
This is the 2nd race where the two cars are trying to get to the white line (about 30 feet from the cars) the fastest.


Best Buds!

Corb finally gave in with about 20 minutes left of the show

After she wrecked the big tractor had to come out and pull her back over...this was pretty cool too!

Me and my boys minus bug who stayed with Papaw Perry and Lisa for the day

The kids at their own table! :)

Adam and Alicia volunteered their car to be the kid car!
  I'm sure they learned all kinds of new things on the way up and back from these crazy kids! :)

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