Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Big Buck Hunter

My family loves to hunt and we have many buck killers!  Aunt Lindsay got the first buck of the season!!!!  We all went to Papaw Perry's on Saturday and watched J.D. and Lindsay in the tree stand from the family room.  Jordan was texting us letting us know what was going on.  We saw a buck come in and Nate grabbed the binoculars and watched Lindsay go in for the kill.  After waiting a little while the guys (including Braxton) and Lindsay went searching for her buck.  They found it not far from the tree stand and Aunt Lindsay even gutted the dear!  Braxton was so excited to see her deer and take his flashlight up in the woods.  Congrats Aunt Lindsay....we are so proud of you!!!

Aunt Lindsay telling her buck story

My brother looks so proud :)

Nice shot!!!!!

Maybe they will have the next couples hunting show

Braxton was loving it!

Rilee was checking out her Mommy's new trophy.  Rilee can say 3 words, Mom, Dad and Buck!  Can't get any cuter than that!!!

Week 5

Daddy's team played at home against Crooksville.  We stayed at Tami's after school and had dinner then actually made it to the game before it started.  That is very rare for us!  Braxton enjoyed playing with his friend Braxton Watson during the entire game. 

The Braxtons

Mamaw and Hudster

Daddy coaching

I love that smile!

This is how the boys played most of the game....good thing our bleachers have a lot of leg room :)

Tammy, Karen and Chris were in charge of feeding the teams after the game.  I think they enjoyed being servers!

Coach Brownrigg

3 cutest boys I've ever seen!

Braxton on the way home from the game.....I think he's a little sleepy

Hudson's sleeping.....he has to cover his eyes like daddy when he sleeps

My Sitting Baby

Hudson can officially sit up!  He started sitting by himself a couple weekends ago! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Endless Shrimp

Thursday Nate talked me into going to Red Lobster for endless shrimp!! 

Nate ate 7 plates of shrimp!!!

Brax got to pet a Lobster when we were leaving

Homecoming Parade

We went to Dresden last Wednesday to watch the homecoming parade.  Brax rode on the float with the daddy and the football team!  After the parade they had a bonfire and the kids had fun playing.

The Band leading the parade

Braxton riding on the float with the football boys

Ty, Liam, Maddie, Braxton and Hudson

Braxton loves TT

Sorry Tam I think he loves Danny too!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Not A Newborn Anymore

After visiting baby Olivia I came home to find my boys in bed all snuggled up.  Hudson looked HUGE!  He was holding his own bottle in his 12 month jammies and had his legs crossed like such a big boy.  I was so sad to think he is not a newborn anymore! :(

Baby Olivia

Sara, one of my best friends from high school had a baby girl last Sunday!  Her name is Olivia and she is adorable!  I was so excited to go visit her in the hospital.  Big sister Maddie was pretty proud to show her off!


Hudson had his first taste of peas on September 18th.  I don't think they will be his favorite!

Are you kidding me Mommy!?!?

Thank goodness that's over!!

Deck Fishing

Braxton has taken up a new hobby....Deck Fishing!

Good form

He can cast all the way to the can see the small red fish on the roof just above the light by the door

Hud likes to watch his big brother fish

Pumpkin Patch

On September 17th we went to the Pumpkin Patch with Mamaw & Papaw, Aunt Kasey and Lyla, Aunt Michele and Jacob, and Elaina and of course the Garber Family.  The kids had a blast doing all the fun activities there!

They look so sweet and innocent.....boy do they have us all fooled!

The Corn Maze

Petting Zoo

Hudson helping Juna edit the pictures

Papaw Lyle

This was too heavy for the guys to pull so the kids had to do it