Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mamaw & Papaw "Shipee"

We spent an evening down at Nate's grandparent's, Mamaw and Papaw Shipley. 

Hudson kept asking to feed the dogs...he was dragging the dog biscuits around everywhere

Papaw brought one of his new puppies in the house.  He is so cute!

The boys watching the dog go back down the hill.
Hudson is standing at the door yelling for Papaw....he yelled for him about 50 times.

This musical instrument is one of Papaw's new auction purchases. 
It was pretty neat!

Where's Hudson?

Alien Autopsy

Yes Braxton picked this wierd toy at Walmart.  It is gross!

Its alive!!
Yummy alien guts


Someone stole my camera

Brotherly Love :)

Valentine's Day Prep

Brax signed all of his valentine's by himself. 

And he had to share his valentine tattoos with his besties! :)


Another thing we do almost daily is race each other in the living room.

Somehow it always ends with and injury :(

Super Bowl

We love to stay home and hang out in our jammies to watch the super bowl!  The boys weren't super excited about the game so they made their own fun.

Taking the cushions off of the couch is so much fun!

Obstabacle course as Brax calls it


Daddy didn't move during the game

Hudson dancing with Beyonce!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Yucky Stuff

Hudson is always so interested in Papaw Lyle's "Yucky Stuff" as he calls it. (Snuff)  He always tries to push his lip, grab his snuff can and smell it. 

Smelling his cup of "yucky stuff"

Snow Day Fun

So far we have had 4 snow days....we are hoping to get 4 more!  We have been trying to come up with some fun stuff to do while we are snowed in. 

Living room flag football

Hudson is good at kicking off

Getting Daddy's flag

Braxton wins!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rilee's Birthday Bash!

We celebrated Rilee's birthday with her at the Barricks! 
Checking out her cute Minnie Mouse cupcakes

Happy Birthday!

Braxton telling uncle Greg (who is a police officer) what the police officer that visited his school told him was the number one important thing to a police officer.....donuts. 

Double trouble

Hudson helping Rilee open her presents

I think aunt Lindsay liked Rilee's personalized gift we made her. :)

What a cute little baker!

Hudson was making sure uncle Greg saw Rilee's new outfit

Hudson playing with baby Garrett.....I think he will be excited when he finally gets here!
Happy 2nd Birthday Rilee Jayde!!! :)