Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas with the Clark's

My favorite tradition of all time is to go to my grandparent's house on Christmas Eve!!  I love going down and spending time with our family and watching everyone open gifts.  This year we decided to write a letter to Santa and ask him if he would bring some of our presents on Friday night since we thought Aunt Lindsay had to work on Sunday morning.  We always spend time doing a dollar gift exchange...which everyone buys gifts to make fun of each other and then have a regular gift exchange on Christmas Eve. We all wear our jammies and watch the Polar Express before bed and the guys stay up until 3 or 4 oclock to play cards. Then on Christmas morning we always hear Santa and his sleigh bells and reindeer.  I have tried to catch him every year but he is a little too sneaky for me! 

This tradition has rubbed off on Braxton because he asked about what we were doing last week and said "Is that when we all stay all night at Mamaw and Papaw Clark's?"  I told him yes and he said "AWE YES!!!  That is my favorite thing to do!"  I just had to grin and be thankful for all of the fun memories we make!!!

Let the chaos begin!! :)

Uncle J.D. and Aunt Lindsay bought Braxton a drum, tambourine and harmonica!  I have been online searching for the perfect gift for Rilee's birthday in January!!! :)

Reece and Payton with Marley

I love that smile!

My boys and their matching jammies....Rilee had pink jams that matched but for some reason I forgot to take their picture :(

Ciera snugglin up with Bug

Mommy and B

Payton helping his mommy feed Hudson....
this is cute because Brax used to love to help feed Payton when he was a baby!

The Big Boys :)

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